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oz fest

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

rought as today. was kicked out of the club last night asked for a doubble vodka and red bull but they dont serve doubbles over here so i so i bourght four shots and pored them in to one glass. so left with one of my cousins mates jo she a dolphin trainer really nice lady good laugh as well!

permalink written by  garyburton11 on August 27, 2006 from Coffs Harbour, Australia
from the travel blog: oz fest
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Coffs Harbour, Australia

went for a drive today around saw a bit for my granddads work bit of a boring day. till dave my unkle came home from work @ 3 then we went to a tit`i bar. this pub is just like the coleview but with fine ozzy chicks servin you beer at your table stayed there abit! then every one we was with left for dinnre so me and me 3rd cousion stayed for a fue more beers then left when the girls went, move to a pub accros town and happend to bump in to two of the girls so we had a drink with them and went home all iniesent.was very pissed..

permalink written by  garyburton11 on August 24, 2006 from Coffs Harbour, Australia
from the travel blog: oz fest
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Coffs Harbour, Australia

woke up with a hang over! went for another drive today ended up vat the zoo saw some cool animals. was driveing around a housing estate and saw some kangeroos and a kuala bear! got home and went to lose my fishing virginatly. was a good laugh as i was compleatly shit got the hang of it and cought a 2foot tayler (a fucking big gold fish to you and me.) just been sat around drinking and having a swim thgis eve it 10 pasts10 and its 25 degrese.

permalink written by  garyburton11 on August 24, 2006 from Coffs Harbour, Australia
from the travel blog: oz fest
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Coffs Harbour, Australia

woke up with a hang over! went for another drive today ended up vat the zoo saw some cool animals. was driveing around a housing estate and saw some kangeroos and a kuala bear! got home and went to lose my fishing virginatly. was a good laugh as i was compleatly shit got the hang of it and cought a 2foot tayler (a fucking big gold fish to you and me.) just been sat around drinking and having a swim thgis eve it 10 pasts10 and its 25 degrese.

permalink written by  garyburton11 on August 24, 2006 from Coffs Harbour, Australia
from the travel blog: oz fest
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2nd day in sydney

Sydney, Australia

today emma and i went to see the Sydney harbour bridge and the opera house.
we got up early and went to breakfirst then took a walk up to the bridge, where we the tour to walk up and over the bridge, views are umbelive able opera house look amaseing can also see the building they crashed the helecopter into in the matrix witsh was cool. also took a walk up the Pylon look-out witch gave you loads of info about how it was built.
not been out for a good drink yet stil a little jet laged but sure i sort that out soon.
off to coffs harbour tomoz.

permalink written by  garyburton11 on August 22, 2006 from Sydney, Australia
from the travel blog: oz fest
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coffs harbour

Coffs Harbour, Australia

got up today had one last bottle of beer (of 6) so had a cheeky on for breakfirst then went to have our last look around Sydney and done a bit of shopping. then took the trip to Sydney airport were i managed to sneek in time for the 2nd beer of the day befor we cought our 3o`clock landed in coffs at 4 o`clook were we met up with our relatives arived at theirs and was forced to try some of the local beers befor going to a local party with some right toffs so drunk the beer and ate their food then left went back for a bbq and some wine.


went to bed early(ish) last night got some work for today worked on a house with my mummy`s cousion witch is owned buy a pro surfer, is still there winter but was sweatin today and sun bathin so we knocked off early and went to the beach just off to the pub it a hard life, not coming home!!!oh em saw a kangeroo today was watching the parots fly around from tree to tree.

permalink written by  garyburton11 on August 22, 2006 from Coffs Harbour, Australia
from the travel blog: oz fest
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Sydney, Australia

so far bettled through the 22 hour flight with the help of a fue beers arived in Sydney firday night.
got up nice and earley saturday went to darlin harbor and visited the aquram had a nice walk around the the strets of Sydney and the parks took a trip up the observation tower.

permalink written by  garyburton11 on August 19, 2006 from Sydney, Australia
from the travel blog: oz fest
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