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Naples, Italy

We went to Rome on sunday for a big game and we won 1-0!! It was pretty cool everyone was singing and dancing after in the locker room. Our pregame meal was huge, first there was a big plate of veggies, then big plate of pasta, then plate of brescola, and finally a apricot lemon tart dessert thing. Needless to say I was completely stuffed after all that food was glad I didn't have to play. When we got back my roommate and I just grabbed a pizza next door for our dinner. Our basketball friend came over too, viviana. My roommate sylvia was tired and viv was hungover so we were all pretty goofy. They asked me about my scars and I tried to explain in italian how I got them, with a lot of body language ha. Needless to say we were all rolling laughing that night with our horrible Italian and English. Was a fun night though.

Yesterday I went with viv to the city Vomero where she has her therapy. While she did therapy I went to a street that has a lot of shops and had my breakfast at a bar, a cappuccino and chocolate croissant. I just walked around looking at the jobs, although I did buy a notebook finally. When viv met back up with me she bought a shirt for her friends bday. Oh and today it is vivs bday, not sure if we are going out to celebrate or not.

Oh so also found out the team gives us, or is supposed to, money for food every week but they dont. So right now in our fridge we have water butter a pear mortadella ham and cheese. Somehow they expect 5 of us to be able to eat 3 meals off of that. needless to say that is why we eat like poor people, a lot of pasta meals no veggies and picking up pizzas. Hopefully they pay us tonight so tomorrow we can go to the grocery store. The city I live in is actually Agnano so if you look it up youll see its dullness ha. But you can see Vesuvio from here so that is kinda cool.
Oh and last night I was on the Italian news. I am pretty sure I look like an idiot I was so nervous. Its the napoli sport news, if I find the link I'll share it, maybe ;) ha
ALthough we are locked in this area at least my housemates don't work so there is usually 3 of us at least around the house.

Ok I should go run I will add a video and pic too.

permalink written by  katieandboo on November 22, 2011 from Naples, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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Naples, Italy

Ciao tutti!!
I dont even know where to begin here....I guess ill start from the beginning...when i got here i felt very out of place and needless to say, alone, since no one spoke english. That quickly changed as my roommates started calling me Katy Perry and trying to speak with my (in broken english and me in broken italian). The room set up is, in my apt, two bedrooms and one bathroom (3 girls). In the next door apartment it is same set up accept second room is a very small kitchen, and two girls. the kitchen is about two arm spreads wide and about one deep. With a fridge, sink and two hot plates. Somehow the 5 of us make it work. We eat lunch and dinner together too. Which is very nice and provides extra time for me to learn italian. They laugh at me when I pronounce wrong and I when they completely get the word wrong. I have had espresso at least once a day if not twice. Pasta every day so far and tonight we just went out as a team and had pizza...needless to say I am in carb heaven!!!
Training has been fine I love my keeper coach and my head coach is awesome too, he knows some english but I can tell the girls love him, very funny. And I like my teammates, I think they like having me to try and shoot the shit with in the little english they know. They will try to say something and when it is totally wrong the other girls laugh at them. I however will not be cleared to play until mid december I believe, because of paperwork. Which is good cuz I need to learn italian soccer words.
Their is a little field up behind our apartment about a block and a half away. Their is also basketball girls living behind us and tennis players all around us. Of cours they are Italian and I have only met one basketball player no tennis players. Oh but I also met an american guy who coaches american football over here so that is funny! The city is small and boring, but its Italy. Oh the temp is weird its warm during the day like 55 or so and at night it is down right freezing!! And our practices are at night!! Thankfully we have some pretty warm gear, one real nice big puffy jacket that I am in love with!!
Ok well I should get to bed, but miss and love you all!!

permalink written by  katieandboo on November 18, 2011 from Naples, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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travel and tryouts

Verona, Italy

i have not had internet until now so i will try to catch you up. as i wrote lst we advanced and we will now travel to paris to play next. I went to sweden and visited boo and my friends in karlstad, was way to short of a trip. I got t train with hem and go to one of their games so that was fun. the manager even bought me an extra salad for the bus ride and dinner onthe way home. He also gave me left overs for my next day, he says he knows how muchi like to eat ha. on sunay i took a bus from karlstad to stockholm 4hrs getting in at 10pm. i then found a hostel to stay in until 4am when i had to leave to catch my bus to the airport. from there landed in italy and caught a train to Verona are were the team manager picked me up. Becaueshe is quitting the club she has turned into my sports agent saying dont sign anything without her in mypresence. i got in around 4pm monday so i didnt train but tuesday i went to te gym and pool with the center mid of the nat team. it was fun and the facilities were very nice. wednesday more girls showed up in the apt I am stying in, and we hd our first training (my tryout) I think i did pretty well. the girls are reallynice and even tho only one speaks some english they all still want to talk to m so we tend to do broken italish. today we trained again and it was just ok, it has been pretty hot here so im dying but thankfully we get lots of water breaks. oh I have been eting pretty well today for lunch I made this fresh spinach gnocci with sausage and cheese in olive oil, very good. i love that the grocery stores have two huge aisles of dry pasta on both sides and about 3 b floor fridges of fresh pasta and 3 big standing cases of more fresh pasta. lots of sasage and cheese as well, oh and of course sauces! needless to say i love it here the food makes me happy :) I think i forgot to mentin that my manager friend, lety, gt me another audition for a team in Roma which i think i leave tomorrow or saturday for. the cool thing about that team is that they get all of the things that the mens team get so our gear and logo looks like theres! I think the team here in bardolino wants m because after practice today they were saying that they were interested. so we shal se what happens. i am trying to just enjoy the experiences and have lots of fun along the way. ciao for now

permalink written by  katieandboo on August 19, 2010 from Verona, Italy
from the travel blog: icelandic adventures
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We advance!!

Kopavogur, Iceland

Our second game we won as well. We played against Romania which were much tougher team, faster and more aggressive, but we came out on top. I actually had to make 3 big saves when the score was still close and then the team took over and we won 7-0. Our next game eve same routine with practice in the morning then lunch then at night I our team bonding was massages. It was nice our third and final game was against France who was by far the best in our group with us. And we tied them 3-3. ended the first half 1-0 us, I made some big saves and got hit real hard on a ball sent into a mix of people that I went up for and caught and saved. Felt like I was gonna throw up the rest of the game but the flack jacket kept me playing :) Even though we tied we found out that we have enough goals that we will advance and find out who we play next week. We wont have another champions game until sept. sometime and next season game is end of aug. So now I am here in Sweden and trained with the girls yesterday, so weird but fun to be back. Today boo and i are gonna go downtown and maybe grocery shopping :) and the 16th i'll head for Italy. Oh and were gonna go watch there game on saturday and leifake who is qbik equip,emt guy is gonna get me an extra salad for the bus ride :) ciao for now

permalink written by  katieandboo on August 13, 2010 from Kopavogur, Iceland
from the travel blog: sweden adventures
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Champions league

Kopavogur, Iceland

So yesterday we had our first game in the Champions league and won! We play our second tomorrow and final on tuesday. If we win we get to advance in the tournament and travel somewhere and play. It is really cool because it is super official. We all wear the same stuff pretty much all day long. We meet for breakfast in the morning then usually train or hang together until lunchtime then we can go home. On game days we meet back up before game time but on off days we meet up later for a little team bonding then have dinner together. This will alst until the 10th. Today for team bonding we got separated in to groups of 4 and did a little scavenger hunt. It was fun I had to recite a song in Icelandic infront of the girls.
A little about the game, when we walk out we each walk out with a little kid. I happened to get a little goalkeeper so it was really cute. And the officials are from all over and the main language everyone has to use is English, its crazy. I signed a couple of autographs after the game and could hear little girls chanting my name, which was kind of freaky but cool. Think thats all for now think good thoughts for tomorrows game, ciao

permalink written by  katieandboo on August 6, 2010 from Kopavogur, Iceland
from the travel blog: icelandic adventures
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busy busy

Kopavogur, Iceland

I can't believe its August been super busy this last bit of July it has just flown... We have had two really big games and won both! the first one we were down 2-0 with a man down and came back and won 3-2. I made some big 1v1 saves in the second half but the girls really played hard for eachother to bring home the win. The second game we were tied at half, and most of the game, 1-1 but then in the extra time minutes scored our second goal to take the victory!! Very sweet wins and much needed for our teams confidence. We dont have any games till the 5th but that is the start of the Champions league so well also play the 7th and the 10th.
We had yesterday off so my roommate and friend took a cross country trip to see the glacier lake, and let me tell you pics do not do it any justice. It really takes your breath awway how pretty and old this glacier is. On our way to the lake we stopped and saw two really cool waterfalls, one of which you could walk behind. Our journey started at leaving a lil after 7:15am and returning home at 9pm. But this journey took us from the very west of the island to the east so long but worth it.
Oh my friend sam and I hiked to see Glymur which is the tallest waterfall in iceland which is awesome! Although the terrain is kinda dangerous not too many tourists were on this path. At some points we would be on all fours sliding over a rock or trying to traverse across it. But totally worth it when you get to the top and see this jurassicesc looking scene.
We have had a few extra trainings during the week which were good and I have been working out extra as well and cooking some good things. Tonight I made a pepper steak with a mushroom cream sauce with fries on the side and a salad. Oh and of course garlic bread and a coke!
Oh I almost forgot so our team has groups now and your group has to come up with a fun thing to do for the team, like bonding. And the first groups activity was soccer tennis! So everyone got split into groups of 4 and you all had to have a signature costume that everyone wore, like a team. It was pretty hilarious one team was costume animals one was like a spandex fitness intructor look with unibrows and one was just simple orange shirts black shorts. We played it like a tournament and when it was over we all ate pizza and pop and then went and watched our junior girls play.
I am getting very excited for my trip to Sweden and most importantly Italy! I leave in 9 days now and am so excited. Well im gonna go to bed now but hope all is well back home.

permalink written by  katieandboo on August 1, 2010 from Kopavogur, Iceland
from the travel blog: icelandic adventures
tagged GlacierLake

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busy weekend

Kopavogur, Iceland

We won our game friday 4-0. But I have a pretty severly jammed finger from making a 1v1 save with just that finger.
Our club host this huge girls tournament from ages of 5-11 which went on this weekend. Started friday morning and lasted till sunday afternoon. The team had to work by walking around in our game day outfits and sometimes had to jumpp in to ref a game or two. It was fun although it was kinda tiring walking around for hours especially since the past days have been real nice out. There was a booth where they sold and traded cards so we were signing trading cards alot of the day too, which was cool. Then saturday we had to work the bbq for the dinner. We made 2,000 hamburgers, the line was out the stadium for about 3hrs. Everyone had a different station that worked pretty well, some were cooks some making the burger (lettuce and hamburger sauce) some were handing out cokes and burgers and others were runners (running the meat from the bbq to the makers, or refilling our lettuce). I was in the making station so alot of us were having races at who could make the burgers the fastest. We ran out of bread like three times during the night which was a nice break but the line would just grow. After all of it we ended up getting a case of free coke. Oh and Friday all the kids were aloud to come into our game for free so the stands were pretty packed which was fun.
I just bought a ticket to Italy with a quick layover in Sweden. Im going to hang out with my friends in Sweden for a little bit then head to Italy where I have a tryout with a team in Verona. I am super excited but a little nervous because they only take one international player so hoping ill be enough.
Biked to the harbor today and read, got a big game tomorrow so just tried to take it easy. Oh and its been pretty nice the past few days but supposed to rain on wednesday, but as long as our game is nice its cool! :)
alright gotta catch some sleep ciao

permalink written by  katieandboo on July 19, 2010 from Kopavogur, Iceland
from the travel blog: icelandic adventures
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hint of summer

Kopavogur, Iceland

we lost recently against valur in league which was a big bummer cuz we almost had them, 2-1 again. Our next 4 league games are huge not just cuz we need the wins but because there against strong teams. THey will be good battles which will be good to help us get ready for the Champions league games in Aug. We found out that we are hosting the games for the champions league and that we play a really good french team an istonia team and team from russia we think.
Harpa (my teammate) took Maura and I on a cool hike on our day off. we hiked up through a valley up the mountains then bathed in the hot water stream.
Thankfully we got out and changed before it started raining. After we got back down from the hike we went to this little place where we had a basket filled with chix nugs mozza sticks onion rings jalapeno poppers, was sooo good. On friday went with sandra and hekla to watch sandras brother play and the town happend to be where hekla grew up. So we ate at her favorite pizza place which was good. THen today after practice we went to brunch since we had an early practice, although it was lunch no breakfast part here. Which I was kinda bummed about because I could have really gone for a good breakfast burrito or some eggs Benedict. It is really nice today which is a change its been so ugly, so maybe it will be good here for a while. A really fun packed weekend soccer, pizza, hike party basket, prac, brunch, then world cup finale. Which might I say I made really good nachos! they have this sour cream with green onion and onion so I put that on it with this pepper cheese which tastes like Gouda, with pepper. Some tomatoes, jalps, salsa, chopped lettuce, and chix...really good!! anyway we have two games this week one on tuesday and then one on friday, so hopefully good outcomes. Hope its not to hot in the states :)

permalink written by  katieandboo on July 11, 2010 from Kopavogur, Iceland
from the travel blog: icelandic adventures
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Kopavogur, Iceland

So we lost our game yesterday. It was a huge game because it wasn't a league game it was a cup game and if we had won I think we would have gone to the semi-finals. We played the team that is currently in 1st who has National team players everywhere on the team. At least one in each position. I made some big saves but the two goals they scored were "good" but I think I still could have had them (a 1v1 and one off the cross bar bounces in instead of out). Now we need to focus on beating them in league, we play them July 7th at their stadium. But out next game is on the 30th so we must now turn our focus back to league play. Oh and we found out that the first round of Champions league will be in Iceland so if we make it through we will play another european team home and away. So now I really hope we make it through so we can travel. We had today off so I hung out with a team mate, went to the pool and then watched the Germany v England game.
This past week was pretty low key although on one day I biked to down town Reykjavik which is like 30min. I was super happy that I found my way with out getting lost! It started raining which was a bummer but then I had 3 cups of coffee to try and warm up. I'll tell ya that wasn't sitting well when I had practice later. THink I'll go make dinner now

permalink written by  katieandboo on June 27, 2010 from Kopavogur, Iceland
from the travel blog: icelandic adventures
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national day

Kopavogur, Iceland

This posted late

First we won our game the other day 3-1. secondly it was National day on the 17th so on the 16th after practice we all got together at a teammates House to start the festivities. I should inform you that when we play 4v2 which is like keep away there are fines if you get megged or are in the middle for too long. There are also fines if you are late and get cards in games. So anyway those fines go to entertainment for parties. and one of the girls on our team is a chemist so she brought 96% ethanol to use in a punch. Lets just say the night was crazy. After being at the bars for about 10min we have to go to the ER because one of my friends got her finger slammed in a door and it looked chopped. Then while were there my other friend is throwing up all over the lobby floor. Finally we meet back up with the rest of the team and have some fun at the bars before one almost gets in a fight! Finally we start to head home but then the car breaks down so we have people trying to tow us down the street (like drunk passer byers trying to pull the car) But finally this nice guy towed us far enough and the car started and we got home around 6am. ahhh what a good night.
We have this whole weekend off so today we went and watched our teammate -who plays on the national team- play against Ireland. They won 2-0 and sara scored! Tomorrow I think im gonna search for some new cleats. To all the fathers happy early fathers day hope its a good one. Especially my pops I love ya happy fathers day Fred!

permalink written by  katieandboo on June 19, 2010 from Kopavogur, Iceland
from the travel blog: icelandic adventures
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