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City Locator for pots


I just joined and was trying to put up my first post and the city that I wanted to put (Kelso California USA) apparently does not exist according to the options in the menu for the city locator! I tried to put the closest city, Newberry Springs, but it said that didn't exist either. I finally found one that does, and it showed up on the map in the header, and I could also see Newberry Springs on there! So I'm pretty unhappy that the city choices are so limited, I would like to be able to put the place I am actually in and not one 30 or more Miles away. At the very least I could have just put "Majove National Park" but it didn't like that either...

permalink written by  CeliaRoxane on March 28, 2012

I'm sorry, I meant poSts, my s key is extremely temperamental, and I don't see a way to edit that post...

permalink written by  CeliaRoxane on March 28, 2012

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