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Nomadic Pushpins

a travel blog by Sparkplug

This map is a first attempt to catalog in one location all of the trips I have taken in my life. It is surprising how memory fails me, and so I consult with my mother, who's memory is also failing, and my stash of passports that have accumulated over the years. When my child asks me where I've been, I hope I can refer to this site as a reference and pass along the great legacy of global citizenship to future generations.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands

permalink written by  Sparkplug on June 1, 1982 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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Kandern, Germany

permalink written by  Sparkplug on June 7, 1982 from Kandern, Germany
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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Auschkowitz, Germany

permalink written by  Sparkplug on June 10, 1982 from Auschkowitz, Germany
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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Toulouse, France

permalink written by  Sparkplug on June 18, 1982 from Toulouse, France
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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Andorra la Vella, Andorra

permalink written by  Sparkplug on June 19, 1982 from Andorra la Vella, Andorra
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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Barcelona, Spain

permalink written by  Sparkplug on June 19, 1982 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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Madrid, Spain

permalink written by  Sparkplug on July 6, 1982 from Madrid, Spain
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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Lisbon, Portugal

permalink written by  Sparkplug on July 16, 1982 from Lisbon, Portugal
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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New York, United States

permalink written by  Sparkplug on July 18, 1982 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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Tokyo, Japan

permalink written by  Sparkplug on July 18, 1982 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: Nomadic Pushpins
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