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Leaving China

It occurred to me after our cycle trip that, to my surprise, the only bicycles I had seen in China were those for hire to tourists. What happened to that 1 billion bicycles in China, or whatever the silly song says? In the evening, after our cycle trip, we found a pub / restaurant that has a...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on January 28, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Chinese New Year in Yangshuo

I've realised that in the last entry I forgot to mention that, when we went to the Couchsurfing KTV Chinese New Year outing in Guangzhou, Joanne and I both sang Karaoke although there don't seem to be any photos to back this claim up. For the record, Joanne sang "Should I stay or Should I Go" by...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on January 27, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Tipping really isn't a place in China (Guangzhou catch-up and food)

[Sorry about the photo formatting and typos in this. I'll edit it later. And I'll get the hang of it one day] Ok I finally managed to upload the photos, although I've got such a backlog of blogging to do I think it may be a while before I have time to hook them up to any text, or tag them...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on January 26, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon


I really wanted to write another long entry here to cover all of the missing days, and also cover a topic or two that I've not really given the time they deserve: food for example; but I've just spent an hour trying to work out how I might upload photos, but to no avail! Now I have lost my...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on January 25, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Final port

I was sorry to leave Lijiang, it was a beautiful town in a great setting, but all good things must come to an end. So we took a couple of local flights to Guilin then a bus to Yangshuo, the last stop in China. The weather has been getting progressively better the further south we've come (the...

permalink written by  phileasdogg on November 13, 2008 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Planes, Trains & Taxiwallahs


Yangshuo (阳朔) is a very scenic, small tourist town surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery. [edit] Understand Yangshuo isn't your typical Chinese town as it seems to have a lot in common with Southeast Asia. The main drag of hostels, guest houses and restaurant could be straight out of...

permalink written by  garisti on May 1, 2008 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Viaje por Asia

Amongst the Karst Peaks

The weather here started bad too but it doesn't take away from the scenery. Yangshuo is a fairly small town very popular with tourists there's a whole section of the town devoted to them but its not too bad quite noisy and comparatively expensive but its nice and relaxed. I had planned to do a...

permalink written by  Dan on March 19, 2008 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Been there, Dan that!

Yangshuo, Hong kong and some time in Europe!

Hello everybody... YES! we are back online to write the blogs... ok, so we left you a long long long time ago (sorry!)... so let me try to expain what happen during that time. So after visiting Chengdu and the area around it, we went down to the south to visit a "little town" called...

permalink written by  agnesola on January 11, 2008 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...

Gagged and bound for Yangshuo

An effective tourist trap only requires a few vital ingredients. Take an area of stunning natural beauty ie. golden beaches, strolling countryside, breathtaking vistas or all of the above and you've got the makings of a tourist trap. Now add generous dollops of cheap hotels, restaurants and...

permalink written by  Mal and Laura on August 27, 2007 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: A bit of China and Vietnam

Hard sleeper

Having had our fill of Guangzhou next stop is to cross the province border into Guangxi towards the small country town of Yangshuo. It's a bit easier said than done. Plan A was to get the bus, the sheer number of bus stations and our inability to find a ticket office put a stop to this so plan...

permalink written by  Mal and Laura on August 21, 2007 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: A bit of China and Vietnam

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