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The wedding.

The ayi's son fell in love and now will live happily ever after. We attended the wedding on our lunch hour from teaching Saturaday classes. The lunar calandar has double May this month. And this was an especially lucky day because it was dragon boat day again, although the dragon festival was...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 27, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Chinese kindergarten

Princess has been going to Chinese kindergarten since September. It is very different from US. When she enrolled, the head of foriegn affairs handled everything for us. So we just paid and dropped her off the next day. The first week she came home speaking all these Russian sounding words. We...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 26, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: carseat tourist's Travel Blog

Double Rainbow

Last night, I was delivering food to my wife @6pm local time and it was sunny but sprinkling. I looked around for a rainbow and sure enough there was one, or two in fact. We have been in China 3 years and I have only seen three rainbows here. I have seen all three in the past two days. I...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 25, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

One step closer

We bought the tickets to Anhui today!!!! As always it was not as easy as going to Expedia and few clicks you're done. The chinese airlines don't take foriegn credit cards online. So, our previous ticket purchases had worked out that we found the rate we wanted and then went to a travel agent...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 24, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: carseat tourist's Travel Blog

The coal trucks

In America, there seems to be this whole substainability movement. People are trying to get back in touch with their food sources. Buy local. It's great. I'm all for it. We like to be in touch with everything. We are a hands on kind of family. We leased a vineyard and berry patch for a year, the...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 23, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Beijing Baby

Beijing Baby!!! We got another summer camp lined up, a nice one I think. We will start our summer gigs in Beijing now. We'll be teaching chinese English teachers. I like teaching teachers! They want to be there, they speak English. I teach one class of English teachers now and I really like...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 22, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Father's Day

The guide books for culture shock all say to observe your holidays from your country. Somehow this is suppose to allow you to feel better and integrate the 2 cultures. I dunno. This is our 3rd Father's day in China. By the time we go home, next January we will have had 3 of every thing in...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 21, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

care package/ fundraiser

We have sent little guy a care package. When we volunteered in Shenyang at the orphanage we saw that the kids were able to see photo albums of their new families and the staff and the kids would be so proud to show the pictures. The kids would say Mama and Baba(Daddy) and point to the pictures....

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 18, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: carseat tourist's Travel Blog

The real LOA

It's our 8th anniversary and we turned on the computer to find out we got LOA!!!! So How did we celebrate? Well with an adventure of course! We went to Hamamas Kofi Haus. It is a cool place with really good food. The owners are from Papu New Guinea. The food is as close as it gets in Harbin...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 16, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Rainbow in Harbin

Well, I was having a hopelessly homesick day today. The paperwork that we thought was coming, is not the paperwork we need to progress the adoption, just more paperwork really. Augh....Then I proofread this Chinese Engineering textbook last week to make a little extra RMB. That was another...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 15, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

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