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Brian Azouz long dream in Nias

Sibolga, Indonesia

Brian Azouz here again! I had the most amazing dream last night. I was driving down a long long road on an island that was covered with long green grass that reminded me of women's hair. There was a dip in the road and, as I passed over the dip, I saw a shape in the grass. Suddenly, in the dream, I was diving into the grass and grabbing a monkey with a jewel box in its hands. I opened the box and there was a small scroll inside. The scroll was full of secrets about the origins of life on Earth. At the end of the scroll there was an email address. Then I was running out to the road and driving to an internet cafe at the end of the island. The email address was zappos@greenhairwomanintherain.tv. I sent an email to the email address and instantly got a reply inviting me to a convention where all of these men in suits were handing out special goggles to chldren. The children put on the goggles and were able to see solutions to the problems that the adults were having. The glass in the goggles was made from the sand on the island. I was just about to put on a pair of the goggles when I woke up.

permalink written by  brianazouz on July 26, 2008 from Sibolga, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Nias
tagged BrianAzouz

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Brian Azouz long conversations on the beach

Sibolga, Indonesia

Brian Azouz here again! The full moon nights in Nias were incredible, particularly with the sound of the surf. We hung lanterns and talked with the rest of the tribe until late. One interesting topic of conversation was how trees grow from seeds to forests. Everyone there that night took the metaphor in different directions, each with fascinating stories to accompany their meaning.

permalink written by  brianazouz on July 24, 2008 from Sibolga, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Nias
tagged BrianAzouz and Nias

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