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gadkow wielki, poland

PLEASE Send me some photos of this town, also old photos when it was called Gross Gandern. Anyone there that wants to talk and encourage me to visit this family heimat....anyone??? Ernie Jukes from Ontario, Canada

ernoddjukes@hotmail.com I welcome any information about this town...also any rental rates

permalink written by  Ernie Jukes on May 14, 2010

Come on Poland.......lets have some info on the area, doesn't anyone have a camera??.....Ernie

permalink written by  Ernie Jukes on April 16, 2011

hier habe ich eine tolle Seite gefunden, die Ferienhäuser und Ferienwohungen in Polen anbieten. Polen ist ein sehr schönes Land und zudem ist Polen ein Nachbarland von Deutschland. Die Ferienhäuser die in Polen angeboten werden sind mit Bildern und ausführlichen Beschreibungen dargestellt.

permalink written by  sunithashan on September 19, 2011

Thank you Poland for the wonderful photos of the Lubuski region. Iam sure there will be more to encourage Canadians to visit you.

permalink written by  R. Ernest Jukes on March 7, 2013

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