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what's the Dutch word for...

...deep-fried fish in either breadcrumbs or a light batter (I can't recall
which), served in small chunks for eating with the fingers (not whole
fillets) - rather like scampi in the UK?

permalink written by  barn on November 15, 2006

Kibbeling (sp?)

permalink written by  jeremyrh on November 15, 2006

Yup, that rings a bell. Thanks all...

permalink written by  barn on November 15, 2006

lekker bekker?

permalink written by  Martin on November 15, 2006

Kibbelling - 2 'b's and 2 'l's are pieces of fish in batter to dip in
sauce whereas Lekkerbek are whole fried fillets of white fish.

permalink written by  mike.j.har on November 15, 2006

That's Kibbeling 2 bs and one l. Sorry!

permalink written by  mike.j.har on November 15, 2006

what is it in English then ??

permalink written by  Donkey Rapist on November 15, 2006

Fish fingers...???

permalink written by  Gregory Morrow on November 15, 2006

Not cod pieces. Cod costs too much.

permalink written by  Martin on November 15, 2006

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