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St Lucia continued

Cape Town, South Africa

hey all thanks for your emails and comments. Finally went whale watching last sunday at 5am!! what is it with these early mornings - im not used to getting up before 8!!! and thats pushing it!!! sea was quite rough, which I loved but a couple of the other girls didnt and all they saw was the side of the boat and yes we did take pictures of them - how cruel! we saw a mum whale and baby - humpbacks, they are massive. mum kept having her tail up for 10 mins at a time as she was feeding the baby one underneath, it was amazing. we must have watched them for 3 hours or more. Hopefully off to Mozambique subject to weather, next weekend and we get to swim with dolphins in the sea there! well thats if we survive the border patrol which can be a bit dodgy apparently!
its been an odd week as the daycentre where we go to work with the kids, got knocked down. its a tin shed but its also a church and the local Pastor decided she wanted it rebuilt so we left one day with it standing, came back the next to find it gone! apparently she thought it could get rebuilt in a day - clearly she was having a hormonal moment! TIA - this is africa. well its been a bit wet so no sign of builders there yet. so we havent been to see the kids much, they dont turn up if it looks like rain as theres no cover for them. I went to the local High School to teach HIV education to 12 year olds - they look more like 18. That was interesting, really enjoyed it and after doing some home care visits where we drive into the middle of the bush/forests to give sick people medicine, food or just help, most of whom had AIDS or TB, it made me realise how important that education is. If not, the zulu race will just disappear! The kids particularly enjoyed the condom on a banana demo - wasnt me doing that one though- phew! i dont know who would have laughed more! more painting of the clinic this week - we made the walls that were white even greyer so thats good :) I also have a brick with my name on it. the brickmaking was hard work - mainly cos the sand and cement where in different parts of the field so we had to carry shovel loads around - blisters have nearly gone! its all good. had a fun night out last night watching the rugby drinking springbok shots and managed to avoid the hippos on the walk back to the house!
went to see a witchdoctor yesterday in a zulu village, she was nuts. she kept making funny noises and had previously told volunteers here that they needed to kill a chicken, eat its insides to avoid bad luck. she told another she had to drink a soft drink and eat sweets to stop her losing her husband - that one sounds a bit better to me! i was told id get married and have two children despite not liking kids much - hahaha, how funny. she also said I was in good health as I sat there wheezing and coughing!!! shes good!
off to Cape Vidal up the coast this afternoon and hopefully able to put the bikini on for the first time. game drive this week too!! yay!
next instalment next week. x

permalink written by  Sarah Coles on November 16, 2008 from Cape Town, South Africa
from the travel blog: Sarah's Voyage from South Africa to Hong Kong
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Hey Sarah, you sound like you are having a ball....stay safe and keep having an amazing adventure - loving the blog!

Louise x

permalink written by  Louise Hunt on November 19, 2008

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Previous: South Africa- Days one and two Next: STill in St Lucia but the sun is shining today...

Sarah Coles Sarah Coles
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As all my friends and family know ive been a bit lost for past few years in all areas of life and I have not really known what to do with my life, sort of lost my way i suppose and thats weird for me as never felt like that before. Work began to suck more than usual, started to feel like i was...

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