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Affen und die Todesgoettin

Diesen Blogeintrag fuegen wir nachtraeglich ein weil wir aus Krankheit damals nicht fertig wurden. Nachdem wir die Ruinen mit Prof. Joshi erkundet haben mussten wir unsere Bananenschalen loswerden. Wir als brave Europaeer haetten sie ins Zimmer getragen und weggeworfen aber er sagte gebt...

permalink written by  karo on July 14, 2007 from Champaner, India
from the travel blog: India - Mumbai to Delhi with much in between

The riddle of Champaner

During the train journey to Baroda we were a little bit frightened by our own courage but we cried just a little. Actually we met a very nice man on the train that invited us to be his guests in his home but I couldn't write down his number and he hasn't written an email yet. It is amazing...

permalink written by  karo on July 13, 2007 from Champaner, India
from the travel blog: India - Mumbai to Delhi with much in between

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