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Floating down the lazy river....Luxury!

Floating down the lazy river....Luxury!

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by Mike_Veine
from the travel blog: Mike's Top Gear Challenge

Rocks all the way down to the water Kayakers on a day trip The red bobber at the end of the line is to see if Salt water Crocs get into the gorge- if the bobber is mostly destroyed they know there are! Trees growing out of the rocky soild Floating down the lazy river....Luxury! Day Kayakers on a guided trip Looking over the rocks to the Second Gorge on our trip- there are 33 Gorges in the shape of a snake if viewed from above Transfering from one gorge to the boat in the Second Goerge on our excursion Boat Landing to transfer to the Second Gorge boat

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