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ick... spiders.  You get used to 'em after a while... glad they're dead though!

ick... spiders. You get used to 'em after a while... glad they're dead though!

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by kmr788 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: Dublin, Ireland

Alice, Rebecca, Me, and Emir on my last day  :-( Alice, Rebecca, Emir, and Me in front of the Hippo! Big whale. On the top balcony of the main area of the museum... so gorgeous! The hallway to the offices at the Natural History Museum. ick... spiders.  You get used to 'em after a while... glad they're dead though! The stairs that collapsed two years ago with eight people on them... luckily no one was seriously injured.  Museum's been closed since then. Leona and me on my last day! The ground floor of the Natural History Museum- clearly closed for renovation. Smiling on my last day as I leave the museum because it really was an amazing summer!

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