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It doesn't matter how it's made, just that it's guanabana!

It doesn't matter how it's made, just that it's guanabana!

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by vexpot from Banos, Ecuador
from the travel blog: SA 2009 - 2 Ecuadora

tagged Streets and Banos

Rak ate dirt One of many breaks along La Ruta de las Cascadas No bikes allowed in THIS long scary dark tunnel She manages to soil the wrong side of her pants Handpulled taffy... bloody fingers unimportant... It doesn't matter how it's made, just that it's guanabana! Trying to impress the locals at the next table A sampling of menus at the Monastery of Santa Catalina Ordering good from the convent nuns A common depiction of the Last Supper

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