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Jumping Around

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Will not leave this planet before having jumped everywhere on it !

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Thanks You Blogabond

Paris, France

Dear Blogabond,

This will be my last post on this Website. You've been a great companion for the last few years allowing me to share my jumping and traveling addiction to the world.

But it was time for me to take it to the next level. So today I'm happy to announce the Grand opening of http://jumpingtraveler.com/ !

Thank you Jason and the Blogabond team at Expat Software. Best of luck for the rest!!


permalink written by  Sly on February 3, 2013 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
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Jumping in Monteverde Rain Forest

Tilaran, Costa Rica

Aaaaaaaah, spending the afternoon in coffee fields, learning how to pick the beans and tasting coffee... what else ?

After the coffee trip, we went ziplining through the tick Rain Forest. 19 zip lines ranging from a few dozens of meters up to.... 1 km !! So cool.

permalink written by  Sly on November 14, 2011 from Tilaran, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Bocas del Toro

Bocas del Toro, Panama

And again. Bocas was supposed to be a paradise and laid back place on the Caribbean sea,
We arrived along with a hectic stormy weather and almost never saw the sun for 3 days !

But again, that's no reason not to jump and swim into the warm waters of the Caribbean sea, and snorkel to see plenty of colorful and amazing fishes.

permalink written by  Sly on November 12, 2011 from Bocas del Toro, Panama
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping on the Panama Canal !

Panama City, Panama

The Panama Canal, such a mythical place ! Well actually... it much smaller that I expected :)

permalink written by  Sly on November 9, 2011 from Panama City, Panama
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in MIami

Miami, United States

That's what happens when your official jumping photographer is in a hurry to sip a mojito... you get a photo where you look stupid on it !! (or was it on purpose ? Sylvain, I need to talk to you)

permalink written by  Sly on November 7, 2011 from Miami, United States
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Last night onboard the Norwegian Epic... bed jumping time !

Nassau, The Bahamas

We never called in Naussau, we were in deep waters at the time of this photo, but we weren't far from Nassau, on our way to Miami the next morning.

There have been many great Bed Jumping pictures that night. But for the sake of my dear friends, I'd rather not publish them here :)

permalink written by  Sly on November 5, 2011 from Nassau, The Bahamas
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in US Virgin Islands

Charlotte Amalie, British Virgin Islands

(don't know why Blogabond wants to put Charlotte Amalie in the British Virgin Islands as it belongs to the US Virgin Islands)

One week crossing the Atlantic. For one week, only water was around. Finally, early November, we reached the other side of the pond. We called in Charlotte Amalie main city of the tiny US Virgin Islands.

The weather wasn't at it's best. But knowing that Europe was entering deeply into Winter, it was great to hang around a place where the average temp was 29°C :)

Under the warm climate, each jump was costly but indeed we didn't give up !

permalink written by  Sly on November 2, 2011 from Charlotte Amalie, British Virgin Islands
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Azores during Transatlantic

Ponta Delgada, Portugal

So the annual holidays had finally came !!
After the Transiberian trip the previous year, this year idea was to go West avoiding the plane as much as possible.

It started with a Transatlantic trip from Barcelona to Miami on board the Norwegian Epic ship, a brand new and huge ship, the 3rd biggest in the world.

First stop of the journey: Ponta Delgada for the Portuguese Azores Islands !

permalink written by  Sly on October 27, 2011 from Ponta Delgada, Portugal
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Home Jumping !

Paris, France

September had be a month without any particular travel, except a few flash work-related expeditions to London. But that's no reason to stop practicing !

permalink written by  Sly on September 4, 2011 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Team Jumping in Mauritius

Grand Baie, Mauritius

So, as I was saying in my earlier post, in Mauritius we work a lot.
And as everybody knows, when you work hard, you need to play hard in order to unstress a little.

So what's best than taking the team out on a Saturday afternoon for some team building activities ? And why not Tring a Best Team Jump activity ?

Vote for the best team !!

permalink written by  Sly on July 16, 2011 from Grand Baie, Mauritius
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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