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Where in the World is Bill Now?

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USACE, Afghanistan

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Toronto, Canada

Welcome everyone to this site. As you now know, I am preparing to travel into Afghanistan with the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) to help assist with server installations and provide software training in Kabul and Kandahar.

As you might expect, the weeks leading up to the trip have included quite a bit of preparation. There are several USACE training requirements that I needed to complete before I can travel into Afghanistan. Most of these training courses have been made available to me on-line and cover areas I never thought I would be exposed to. Some of the subject material has included Anti-Terrorism, Subversion (insubordination and disloyaty, to name a couple of examples) and Espionage (spying), Trafficking and Afghanistan cultural awareness, just to name a few. To say that some of these topics were very interesting is merely stating the obvious.

In addition to the training material, there have been a few medical tests and immunizations that I needed to have prior to travel. Since the USACE categorizes this assignment as "short term" (under 30 days), the medical (and training) requirements are not as stringent as a six-month or year-long deployment. So this meant fewer Needles for Bill! I also needed to have an eye exam as the Army is creating bullet proof eyewear (!) for me to wear, I presume when traveling to and from the Army bases.

My assignment does not immediately start in Afganistan. First, I will be traveling to the USACE office in Winchester, VA March 15 - March 18 for, as I understand, additional training. From there, I leave with two USACE representatives Thursday, March 18 to Dubai, UAE (a 13 hour non-stop flight from Washington, DC, in case you were wondering), which is a US entry and exit point for Afghanistan. We arrive in Dubai Friday evening, March 19 and leave for Kabul Saturday morning, March 20.

Look for my next post (and pictures) when I'm in Winchester!


permalink written by  Where in the World is Bill Now? on February 26, 2010 from Toronto, Canada
from the travel blog: USACE, Afghanistan
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