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See Distant Places

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Finding that distant place...

Vancouver, Canada

Every summer is the same story. Search for a cheap but nice place to spend 2 or 3 weeks. To get away from work, bills, same old 4 walls...

Each time it's a long exhausting lookout for that special place. Each time it seems like there are not enough options out there...

Maybe it's true. Maybe there are no deals on a fixed budget. Maybe we should just enjoy the local pub and walks through the park, some fishing...

No. That is not what vacation should be like. Well, back to the Net. Back to search for the best vacation place.

I often wonder why there is not many places on the Net where there would be a great, big collection of vacation spots right there, in one place?

Why do we have to open and browse hundreds of websites just to, in most cases, follow a friend's or neighbour's advice?

That is, till now I mean.

The name of the site is: See Distant Places (http://www.seedistantplaces.com ) and it is exactly what we were looking for.

There are hundreds of great places there. Some I never heard of. But the site is full of information. No, not that advertising info filled with commercial

stuff like: rent-a car, cheap aeroplane tickets, bed & breakfast joints etc. No. This site offers articles, videos and news collected by everyday people.

Nobody is trying to sell you anything. It is more like - I was there so why don't I write about it and post it up on the Net for anyone to read.

There are photos and videos from places where people went to spend a few days to relax or, there are articles of someones experience in a 2nd grade

motel that turned out to be a decent accommodation after all. I was surprised to see so many tips on travelling by bus or train somewhere in Europe or

Asia, that can actually save you quite a bit of money and at the same time give you an opportunity for even more fun in the process.

Yes, there are a few banners or links for booking a trip or a ticket here and there but overall, it is a pleasure surfing through the site. After all, isn't it

nice to have all this wealth of information on one site and not having to spend hours and nights trying to figure what is the best plan of action?

I know we will come back to http://www.seedistantplaces.com again and again. Oh yes, they also have a link to get private rental in Vancouver and Whistler

for the Winter Olympics next year. Come to think of it, there is also a link to book home pretty much anywhere in the World.

One other nice thing is, if you stumble upon this site and you only speak Polish or Korean, don't worry - there is a little language translator at the top right.

Just choose your language and the site will magically appear in that language.

Make sure you bookmark that site. The URL is: http://www.seedistantplaces.com and right in the middle of the page are little "bookmark/ share this page"

icons. Make your choice and it will remember it for you. Handy, there are also a few Amazon products there - all related to the subject of your search.

Have fun and we might bump into you on our next vacation. Cheers!

permalink written by  boysha on August 21, 2009 from Vancouver, Canada
from the travel blog: See Distant Places
tagged DistantPlaces and VacationPlace

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