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Shenzhen, China

Monday (yesterday for us), Eric and I went walking for a bit. The following pictures are from an outdoor show that is put on most days by children.

It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen! All these little girls singing something but performing on stage was hilarious. What was even better was that their performance was simultaneously shown on this huge screen over the square.

It was easily the highlight of the day!

We then returned to the hostel for a four hour nap in the afternoon. I was able to get the correct stomach medicine while we were out and so I was feeling better when I awoke. In fact, I think I am going to send this medicine to BP because I am thoroughly convinced that a few hundred of these capsules will stop the oil leak in the gulf (that's how good and fast this worked).

Eric and I decided to skip the hot pot and I instead ate something generic at the hostel. We then wanted to see how the Chinese party and so we went to '88', a nightclub fairly close to the hostel. They know how to have a good time! There was a male singer that would stand up on stages located throughout the club. I have no idea what he was singing but he had a great voice. We left shortly after arriving because of the smoke and how loud it was. It was nice to go to a club though and see how the younger folks have fun. Jack Daniels is huge here. They were drinking a concoction of tea mixed with JD while playing a dice game. I never figured out the dice game but I did figure out that the ones losing were getting hammered. Every time they lost, they drank a 4-6 oz glass of this stuff. My stomach turned watching them drink this like water. There are a few Chinese that must not be feeling well today! I didn't think of bringing my camera and I am now very disappointed that I didn't. We will hit another club in the next few days and I will be sure to capture some 'Chinese Fun' and post it here.

More tomorrow...

permalink written by  akstoltzy on May 30, 2010 from Shenzhen, China
from the travel blog: China
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