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manitees and lemon drop shots...

Rockledge, United States

I deleted the last entry, it's not even worth reflecting on... what up, from florida. It's my first weekend here, in case you don't read this for a while. It's so crazy being here, having been in New York only a couple of days ago... especially having had no plans to step foot off long island before graduating. I can't even begin to describe the way I feel, and that whole "dealing with your inner turmoil without fixating on it" thing is impossible, and i'm still... totally... at a loss for words. I can't even go there... so, i'll just describe my new experiences. I've seen my first lizard, pelican, manatee and dolphin. Had my first lemon drop triple shot, (which I think is a mix of lemon flavored vodka, seltzer water, and garnished with a slice of lemon covered in sugar). I pierced my ears! Mom's friend Robin paid for it and the 24 Karat earrings... If I knew she was going to pay for it, I never even would have told her my ears weren't pierced... But I am learning to accept gifts... I like her a lot, she's free spirited, and looks like she's had one or two (or a million) wild moments in her life. Her husband Randy is a southern gentleman... I watched the Daytona 500 for the first time with them... we ate dinner over there, and robin baked a pie (even though she doesn't like desserts).My mother's next door neighbor's chen and li li have a son named johnny (their aunt is visiting from vietnam for a couple of months).. They remind me so much of Jenny and her family back home. They invited me in for a beer, and we watched, I dunno'... the chinese vma's or something. My mom is friends with her landlord Jen, and her husband Ed.. but i'm not liking them too much right now, so i'll hold off making any judgement for a while... I'm hoping to join an 8 mile hike with my mother's other friend's soon... I like them all a lot.. I just hope I can figure out the bus schedule quickly and meet people my own age. Not that I haven't enjoyed myself to this point, it's just that I want to know what else there is to do around here.. and as much as i like going out to eat and drink, I want to try new things too... I want to know florida in more than one way. Chen is looking at cosmetology schools for me, he owns a nail salon and would probably hire me if I had my license. I've been spending a lot of time with my mom.. we have dinner together every night (she's teaching me how to cook- so far i've learned about the art of preparing nachos and reheating leftovers- (which by the way, if you ever go to TGIFridays, the tropical mint mojito is pretty good).. but soon, i'm sure I will learn how to cook for real. We hang out with Chessie (her dog who's birthday was this last saturday), and watch shows and movies that she's saved on her DVR. I'm enjoying my time spent here (with the exception of going to sleep at night... I stay up thinking about everything i've left in New York, the good and bad)...I think when I get a job and have something more to do in the day time it will be better. Anyway, I have to go make myself busy.. (there's this nice spot for running by the river- by the way, we're within walking distance from cocoa beach, which is much like old town port jeff... we are so close to the water, it's ridiculous)... I'll be leaving a lot of my updates here since I leave my phone at home most of the time (until I learn how to block numbers, I won't be around it much)... I hope all is well... Love you, take care, Mel

permalink written by  snookyferrit on February 16, 2009 from Rockledge, United States
from the travel blog: Mel and Kae's Craaaaaaazzzzy Blog
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