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News Flash

Melbourne, Australia

For those who haven't quite worked it out yet, me and Emma have officially Split up. We'll be flogging the caravan and I'll be keeping the car.
During my time in Echuca she created a whole new life for herself behind my back. She has a full time, permanant job and a flat and a whole load of new mates she neglected to tell me about. She also didn't bother keeping in touch with me for most of the last month I was up there and ignored most of my texts.

She wants to stay in Melbourne and, well, I really don't so I'll be backpacking on my own which, lets face it, is gonna be a damn sight more fun than sitting in a damp caravan every night watching TV while Emma gets irate because it won't tune properly and the aeriel keeps falling out of the back.

Now if you'll excuse me, there's a whole load of fun to be had.

permalink written by  Koala Bear on October 3, 2006 from Melbourne, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz
tagged BitchMoanWhinge

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Melancholy Moment

Perth, Australia

Oh come on, we all get these sometimes, even in the Best Country In The World. Its probably on account of the shocking goon hangover I have from the house party I went to last night, or maybe its because those bloody gloves they made me wear at work yesterday irritated the fuck out of my hands and now they're itchy and a bit swollen. At least I hope its the gloves and nowhere else I've been putting my hands.

Those of you who came here for a vaguely amusing post, sorry about that, I'm having one of those Thinking Too Much moments. I think that everyone you meet changes you a little bit, for the better or worse and some change you more than others, and I've met so many people over the last 7 months I think I've changed alot. A lot of my thoughts and the way I look at life have changed, I'm still not sure how though, right now I'm just fucking confused.

I've always believed in the two main laws of life; Everything Happens For A Reason and Something Will Crop Up.

But things have happened recently and I'm not too sure why. Maybe it'll become clear in a month or two, or maybe not for a year but right now it just fucking hurts and I'm questioning how happy I really am. Am I having fun or is it just a front? Have I been kidding myself that this is what I really want and have I just passed up an opportunity for happiness that I'll never have another shot at?

I thought that this travelling thing was the only realistic ambition I've ever had and I wasn't allowed to fail at it but now I'm wondering if this tunnel vision has cost me something that would have brought me more joy than spending shit loads of money on photo opportunites.

My only other ambition is becoming an Evil Genius and taking over the world but I haven't even started work on my secret underground lair deep in the heart of a dormant volcano and do you know how much lasers cost these days?

Anyway, now I've manged to suitably depress you all I'm off to advertise for minions and henchmen, why travel the world when you can own it.


permalink written by  Koala Bear on December 17, 2006 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz
tagged BitchMoanWhinge

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