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Suomalaistenkin suosiossa

Minibussikyydillä päästiin nopsakkaan muutamassa tunnissa Hua Hiniin ja kirjauduttiin pieneen hotelliin rantakadulla. Huone oli mukava, vaikkakin meluisa, mutta ratkaistiin ongelma pitämällä aina telkkari auki taustameluna. Varsinaisia nähtävyyksiä rannan lisäksi ei kaupungista juuri löytynyt...

permalink written by  rosabella on June 15, 2012 from Hua Hin, Thailand
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Getting around the City

Getting around Xrbia is pretty stress free, even if you don’t have a car. The recently added battery operated trains go all around the city and are more efficient than the tube, and more eco friendly then other transport methods. Similar to the DLR in London, but the lines are larger...

permalink written by  Miriam on May 2, 2012 from Hua Hin, Thailand
from the travel blog: Xrbia

Hua Hin

Hua Hin

permalink written by  joe91 on July 9, 2009 from Hua Hin, Thailand
from the travel blog: To Singapore and beyond in 6 weeks.

Spent many holidays in Hua Hin, which is on the western side of the Gulf, and then came to settle here in retirement.

First entry, aptly on first of August, on an overcast and very humid day.

permalink written by  goldenretriever on July 31, 2008 from Hua Hin, Thailand
from the travel blog: Gulf of Thailand from Macau and Hong Kong

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