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permalink written by  dxbontour on October 8, 2013 from Dubai, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: dxb to nz via se asia


Místo: Spojené arabské emiráty, Dubai, letiště Osoby: Pako, cestující z Prahy do Delhi přes Dubai slečna za recepční deskou salónku Emirates Pako (přichází ke vstupu do salónku): Dobré ráno. Slečna (usmívá se, jako by byla šílená): Dobré ráno! Krásné ráno! (Pravděpodobně je opravdu...

permalink written by  ac on February 1, 2013 from Dubai, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: TrippinInTheeYah

Do Delhi

Z Dubaje do Delhi to je už jenom kousek, překvapivě krátký kousek. Asi tak dvě a půl hodiny letu, to by snad šlo i ujít pěšky. Ale pěšky bych se nevyspal, což v letadle šlo. A v Delhi to přišlo - moje těžké zavazadlo. Už v Praze mi řekli, že třicet dva kilo je moc, že musím ještě něco doplatit....

permalink written by  ac on January 25, 2012 from Dubai, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: IndiaJourney


Första inlägget.. Woho! Efter ett känslosamt farväl på Landvetter, så åkte vi äntligen iväg! Första anhalt var Bryssel! Flyget var ok. Vi satt i sätena med trängst benutrymme, men det gjorde inget för våran tillvaro! Väl framme i Bryssel, var det hyfsat sent på kvällen, och vi hade...

permalink written by  VickAndBecksDownUnder on October 19, 2011 from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: Australien!


Welcome back to Dubai, a city we enjoy. It is still growing fast. Since a few years ago many of the Tower cranes are gone and the buildings are completed. However, many of them appear quite empty. On our first day we visited the neighboring smaller emirate of Sharjah. On our drive...

permalink written by  rcodel on May 4, 2011 from Dubai, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: World Cruise - 2011


Tue.May 3.Docked in Port Rashid in DP World (Dubai Port World)There are many docks here.As in Fujairah,the population is about 2 million,15% of whom are citizens who get all the benefits.Dubai is the second largest of the Emirates,Abu Dhabi being the largest. Dubai has been ruled by the Maktoum...

permalink written by  edoyle on May 4, 2011 from Dubai, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: World Cruise


Mon.May 2.Docked in Fujairah,one of the 7 Emirates that comprise the United Arab Emirates.Population about 2 million,75% of whom are foreigners working here.They get no benefits and living is expensive so they are unable to bring their families.The locals get almost everything...

permalink written by  edoyle on May 4, 2011 from Al Fujayrah, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: World Cruise


Fujairah is one of the smaller United Arab Emirates. It is very barren and very hot. It seemed that the air had a lot of sand in it.

permalink written by  rcodel on May 2, 2011 from Al Fujayrah, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: World Cruise - 2011


permalink written by  Chrizzy on July 26, 2010 from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: From Japan to Austria Island

Anreise 1

So, der erste Teil der Anreise ist geschafft: Wir sitzen im Flughafen von Dubai und warten auf den Anschluss nach Kuala-Lumpur. Der Nachtflug von Zürich ging dank ausgefeiltem In-Flight Entertainment in der riesigen Boeing 777-300 der Emirates problemlos. Während sich Lisa und Corinne nur einen...

permalink written by  marcel on July 13, 2010 from Dubai, United Arab Emirates
from the travel blog: Familie Bucher in Malaysia

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