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Onions, the smell of fall

The sign of fall in the treeless urban jungle is the appearance of vegetables everywhere out to dry. My 3rd year in China and I do still find this as fascinating as the leaf changes in the South. My awe is the amazing places they will put the veggies. And how they are so symmetrical and orderly...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on October 10, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher


Little Guy is so spiritual. I think it is really fascinating since he is deaf. When he first came to us, we took him to a temple and he was so serious in praying to all the Buddas. Since then, we have seen him pray to almost any statue. Our least fav is when he insists to bow down at all the...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on October 6, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

National Day

Due to the fear of pig flu, the cut our National Day Holiday to 1 day. We celebrated by picking up Little Guy's custom made clothes. Since the addition of him to the family, shopping has become quite a chore. He came with the clothes on his back, so he has needed a complete wardrobe. We have...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on October 5, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Mooncakes Baby

It's that time of year again. We have received our first gift of mooncakes. Our favorite foreign affairs guy has retired and the first evidence of change has been the quality and quantity of mooncakes has decreased. Last year we got a beautiful elaborate box with about a dozen mooncake...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 29, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Easter Eggs Take 3

Third times the charm... Before actual Easter we died eggs the "natural way" following all the tips online for people not wanting to use commercially available egg kits. I think those people are personally not looking at the globalization of holidays. Egg kits create jobs in China! They aren't...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 27, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Who's Your Daddy

Well, we thought we were making progress with sign language. We thought Little Guy had mastered the sign for Mom and Pop at least. Maybe not! Today I was doing a image search online and this guys picture is one of my choices. Little Guy was sitting on my lap and immediately pointed to the...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 24, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Wedding #2

Teenager's chinese teacher from last semester was married today. She invited Princess to be her flower girl. It was quite a different affair than the ayi's son's wedding. This was at a fancy dancy reception hall. It was modern and elegant. The food was really expensive. Her dresses were very...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 20, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

filling out forms

Now I thought I had filled out my life time supply of paperwork with the completion of the adoption this year. I was wrong. I am now living in Formville. One book of forms must contain everyones temperature by 8am. I was instructed to not bother with my kids names and just list them as elder...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 17, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher


My best friend sent us a care package!!!! Yeah! I love mail! Our mail goes to our boss and then he calls us and we come get it. His office is about 3/4 a mile from our apartment. I took both Princess and Little Guy in the stroller. Little Guy was so dejected when he saw the package. I loaded...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 15, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Go Fly a Kite

Yesterday we took Princess and Little Guy to fly their kites. We had gotten free kites at Sun Island during May Holidays. It was a kite festival and they had lots of cool kites on display, but none for sale. Everybody got a free kite instead. The whole Sun Island thing was strange. We ended up...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 13, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

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