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Scream Down The Boulevard

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But I got sunburnt two days ago...

Santa Fe, United States

permalink written by  walby on April 17, 2008 from Santa Fe, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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Welcome to Texas - our 5th state

Tucumcari, United States

First it was snow, now torrential rain!
Can't even see the sign at the border.

permalink written by  walby on April 17, 2008 from Tucumcari, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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Is This The Way To...

Amarillo, United States

I will NOT be hugging my pillow in this town!
This is where we say goodbye to Route 66, as we head south to Lubbock (home of Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Waylon Jennings and Tanya Tucker).

Due to my inability to upload any further photos to this blog, I have started a new one whose URL is : http://www.blogabond.com/TripView.aspx?TripID=2507

permalink written by  walby on April 17, 2008 from Amarillo, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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"Quit your bitchin' dude!"

Santa Fe, United States

Rockin' out to KZRR 94 ROCK coming out of Albuquerque. I've never heard so many "dudes" since "Dude, Where's My Car?" (or "Dude Looks Like A Lady").

permalink written by  walby on April 16, 2008 from Santa Fe, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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My first "y'all" and tumbleweeds.

Holbrook, United States

We could have stayed in a wigwam!
Holbrook really should be renamed HOLEBROOK - no decent coffee, another dust storm of biblical proportions and tumbleweeds blowing through town.
Breakfast @ Jerry's with the "good old boys" from the "Blues Brothers".
It may be on Route 66, but I wish I'd never stopped her.

permalink written by  walby on April 15, 2008 from Holbrook, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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Welcome to New Mexico - state no.4

Gallup, United States

Crossing the border - only 21 states to go.

permalink written by  walby on April 15, 2008 from Gallup, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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Despair and Dust

Gallup, United States

Jamie Jensen was right when he noted "the obvious poverty and other signs of genuine despair".
We've learned our lesson from Holbrook and are not stopping (other than to take this photo).

permalink written by  walby on April 15, 2008 from Gallup, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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Turning left at Albuquerque...

Albuquerque, United States

Bugs Bunny was right!
We did turn left...off Interstate 40 onto Interstate 25, heading for Santa Fe.
If we hadn't, we would have ended up at the South Pole.

permalink written by  walby on April 15, 2008 from Albuquerque, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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Adobe Everywhere

Santa Fe, United States

The highest state capital in the States.
Internet issues - most likely due to our proximity to Roswell. Need to get Fox Mulder onto it.
Got asked for my ID @ Catamount Bar & Grille (I'm 46 with grey whiskers - I guess I should be flattered).

permalink written by  walby on April 15, 2008 from Santa Fe, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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Java Cycle

Williams, United States

Good coffee and tasty pastries @ Java Cycle (formerly a bike shop which put in a coffee machine and then discovered it sold more coffee than bikes). Promised Louise (the proprietor) that I'd mention it (Thelma nowhere to be seen).

permalink written by  walby on April 14, 2008 from Williams, United States
from the travel blog: Scream Down The Boulevard
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