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Patience is a Freaking Virtue...

Montreal, Canada

For those of you who have went through the process of applying for an exchange program, are probably familiar with the dreaded waiting game. I'd say it's worse than any other waiting period for an application I've had so far.

You see, waiting for an ordinary application is a pain to start with. I remember checking my application process for Concordia every two days (Mind you, I'm just impatient like that). Luckily, I sent it out at the end of February and I received my answer around the end of March, beginning of April.

Exchange programs run differently. With what feels to be four times the amount of paperwork. At Concordia (and probably most schools), you have to list three schools that you'd like to go to. Then you have to write down pre-course selections for these three schools. Then you must get them approved from your faculty adviser. Then the department adviser. Then you finally ship out all those things to the international office at your school. Then you wait about a month as they decide whether or not you're eligible. Once you're accepted, then there's a whole bunch of other various papers you need to fill in. Then you wait about 2-4 months for the host university to answer you back. It's all quite tedious.

Currently, I'm in the near the last stage. Basically, I'm still waiting for Inha to send me back my letter in order to get my student visa. However, I received an email from my intentional liaison officer saying that we should be getting out answers early next week. So! That's a relief. Hopefully, by the next time I write here, I'll have that paper to wave around. :)

Laters everyone!

permalink written by  Maestro on June 12, 2009 from Montreal, Canada
from the travel blog: From Montreal to Incheon
tagged South, Waiting, Montreal, Study, Abroad, Korea and Exchange

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Quarantine is Mandatory

Montreal, Canada

Well, I finally got my admissions package! Which now officially means I've been accepted into Inha University for the Fall. I got my admissions letter and this lovely little handbook basically giving me all the info I need (except for how I'm supposed to apply for the dorm and when orientation is). Looks like I still have a lot of things to take care of before I leave. Well, Friday, I'll renew my passport, so that the week after I could get my D-2 visa.

There was something else that was in my package that I thought was rather entertaining. I supposed I shouldn't since the issue is rather serious, but you know- can't help but chuckle a bit. What I got was information about the H1N1 virus and what's going to happen when I arrive. For a week, I'll have to wear a mask, and go to the Health Center daily to check for symptoms and body temperature. If anything doesn't go the way they want, I get quarantined for a certain amount of time.

So yeah. I'm going to make sure that I don't cough upon my arrival.

permalink written by  Maestro on June 22, 2009 from Montreal, Canada
from the travel blog: From Montreal to Incheon
tagged StudyAbroad, Korea, Exchange, H1N1 and Quaratine

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