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Waiting, waiting, waiting!!!

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Well, my name is Thábata, and I am 27 years old (I've just completed it). I am a graphic designer, and I'm getting my degree in architecture and urbanism by the end of the year now... actually, in some days.
I am doing a very nice project about sustainability... about the Philosophy of Sustainable Design, wich is a theme that I enjoy most of all.

Since it's my last year at the University (at least for now) and since I know I'll be working a lot next year (cause I want to, of course) then I decided that it was a nice time to travel again.

I have to tell that choosing USA to go was not something really planned. I just though of my childish dream of going to New York in Christmas season, and it was like that. And then I started planning (well, in fact I've been planning that since June).

Something really nice have happened though. It starts with a huge and amazing story (that I'll share some other day for sure!) in Firenze, Italy. About someone I met there and that, by the way, is american. Well, as soon as I told him I was coming I got a travel buddy.

Knowing USA with an american! That is going to be an amazing travel that I intend to enjoy to the edge. 35 days, 15 hours and 25 minutes to go.

permalink written by  me on November 13, 2007 from Sao Paulo, Brazil
from the travel blog: USA here I go!
tagged Home, Planning and Waiting

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A fast vacation while waiting...

Itirapina, Brazil

I just though that this was worthy posting...

Last weekend we had a holiday here in Brazil, and it was the holiday when I travel with my dad. Every year his graduation mates make this travel, so they can get together, and so their families.

This year the chosen place was a place near a dam called "Broa". And for sure it was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. All the hotel rooms had a window from where we could see the water, and the sunset. It was amazing.

Lots of sun, lots of nice bugs and small frogs. And lots of amazing foods (specially the chocolate cake, incredible!). But I really enjoyed reading and sleeping more than I'm used to. Graduation projects are very demanding! But the best thing still is having good time with dad and a lot of nice people, who enjoy to spend time with friends... like playing mimics at the evening, everybody together, such a warm feelin'!

Well, at least in the last day I went with my brother, his girlfriend and other friends to rafting. The river wasn't that good, but it was a good laugh after all. Than we catch the road and got back to the "civilization"... and since it was my dad's birthday, we had some fast food to let go that "nature feeling" that was all over us (I'm kidding! I'm kidding!!).

Now it's time to work and wait again... 28 days.

permalink written by  me on November 19, 2007 from Itirapina, Brazil
from the travel blog: USA here I go!
tagged Home, Waiting, Itirapina and Dam

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Tatui, Brazil

It's today!!!! Well, at least today I'm going to the airport...
Now I feel very good spending the last time of the year enjoiyng the sun, and the warm weather. After all, tomorrow I'll be in a place with -5˚C!

I've never been in a colder place till now...

Last weekend was amazing! I had a whole day in a house with a swimming pool, and something around 35˚C! I got a nice suntan, that I'll see going away in the USA. It doesn't matter, anyway. And, besides, it was the perfect day to say goodbye to my friends here... I'll miss them, but I'll be very fine travelling!

permalink written by  me on December 18, 2007 from Tatui, Brazil
from the travel blog: USA here I go!
tagged Home, Waiting and Tatui

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Sao Paulo, Brazil

I'd just found out that tomorrow I'll be going to a Hockey game in Chicago!!!

I haven't even started yet and it's already great!!!!!!!

See ya in the USA.

permalink written by  me on December 18, 2007 from Sao Paulo, Brazil
from the travel blog: USA here I go!
tagged Home, Waiting and News

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Patience is a Freaking Virtue...

Montreal, Canada

For those of you who have went through the process of applying for an exchange program, are probably familiar with the dreaded waiting game. I'd say it's worse than any other waiting period for an application I've had so far.

You see, waiting for an ordinary application is a pain to start with. I remember checking my application process for Concordia every two days (Mind you, I'm just impatient like that). Luckily, I sent it out at the end of February and I received my answer around the end of March, beginning of April.

Exchange programs run differently. With what feels to be four times the amount of paperwork. At Concordia (and probably most schools), you have to list three schools that you'd like to go to. Then you have to write down pre-course selections for these three schools. Then you must get them approved from your faculty adviser. Then the department adviser. Then you finally ship out all those things to the international office at your school. Then you wait about a month as they decide whether or not you're eligible. Once you're accepted, then there's a whole bunch of other various papers you need to fill in. Then you wait about 2-4 months for the host university to answer you back. It's all quite tedious.

Currently, I'm in the near the last stage. Basically, I'm still waiting for Inha to send me back my letter in order to get my student visa. However, I received an email from my intentional liaison officer saying that we should be getting out answers early next week. So! That's a relief. Hopefully, by the next time I write here, I'll have that paper to wave around. :)

Laters everyone!

permalink written by  Maestro on June 12, 2009 from Montreal, Canada
from the travel blog: From Montreal to Incheon
tagged South, Waiting, Montreal, Study, Abroad, Korea and Exchange

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Philadelphia, United States

The first leg of my trip was uneventful, which is always fairly nice. Exit row seat, loads of leg room, sweet traveler beside me, flight attendant who was headed to Dublin tonight (on to see U2 later this week!), and a smooth landing at my destination.

Then came the fun of walking from the farthest exit on one side of the A terminal at the Philadelphia airport to farthest exit on the other side. Oh, huzzah! Did I mention I chose to carry a non-rolling satchel that doesn't go over my shoulder? :\ Blurgh. Trekking three-quarters of a mile with that wasn't a whole lot of fun, but I'm happy to be seated at my departure gate, ready to head to London!

The sight that greeted me when I walked up to A24 (where I'll depart at 10:40 tonight) was the sign for the aforementioned gate, tacked to a pillar at...Mickey D's. Huh? I thought, "Is my gate at...McDonalds? What?!" It gave me a laugh as my hands un-cramped from holding that bag for so darn long. LOL!

I chatted with a kind woman from Madrid who was waiting to go home...her flight was delayed by almost two hours due to some kind of malfunction on the plane. Ack! I'd rather not be delayed at all tonight, because I simply want to get there, but say the word "malfunction" at the airport, and I get nervous!

Also off to Madrid was a Spanish band, who played for tips. Very interesting!

Now I'm the one who's off somewhere. They've checked our passports at the ticket counter, and the departure area is filling up with passengers set to cross this pond along with me.

I told Vanessa recently that I can't wait to greet her "Love Actually"-style, with a big hug at Heathrow's international arrivals area (minus the kissing and whatnot from the movie, of course). I'm just so excited to see her again - on her turf this time!

My latest Facebook status says it all: London is calling, and I'm SO ready to answer!

permalink written by  Mary Rose on July 15, 2009 from Philadelphia, United States
from the travel blog: UK 2009
tagged Airport and Waiting

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Stopover in Canada

Beijing, China

My ride was probably losing hope.  So many people waiting, so many bags not making it off the luggage go round.  Those waiting with me trickled down from a full Boing 747 to three.  Lost?  The couple in front of me at the lost luggage counter were joyfully reunited with their bags.  The third person persisted at the carousel.  I was told my clothes, toiletries, sandals, gifts, snorkel gear and Chinese English dictionary were in Toronto.  Bagless, I was pleased to find that my ride waited still, "Jan Tu" sign in hand just past the 'nothing to declare' lane.  William and his wife graciously wisked me to an ATM machine and then my guest House.  So far, so luggageless...      

permalink written by  prrrrl on March 14, 2011 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing 2011
tagged Waiting, Hope and LostLuggage

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