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Being A Tourist - Day 3

Ok so today we were Doing Stuff. We were getting off our arses and going to Kuranda which is a little rainforest township a mere rail ride from Cairns. And by rail I mean Skyrail, a sort of cable car ride that takes you over the canopy giving you amazing views of the rainforest with the ocean as...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on October 7, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

Being A Tourist - Day 2

On account of the lack of planning the day before it was a quite one today, me and dad went sea kayaking round Double Island which was nice whilst mum chilled out on the mainland. Cairns is promoted as the place where the rainforest meets reef but you don't really get the full impact...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on October 6, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

Being A Tourist - Day 1

On account of the abject boredom and the desperate need for anything resembling Decent Conversation I got to Cairns a couple of days earlier than expected, arriving on the same day as Mum and Dad thus dashing any hope they had of a quite couple of days recovering from jet lag, getting used to...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on October 5, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

The Worst 2500km In History

Left Alice Springs: 01/10/07 Arrived Cairns: 04/10/07 Bear in mind that its not long distances over vast expanses of nothingness that make road trips boring, Adelaide to Perth is 2600km across the Nullabor and I had a good time but then I had Kliff, Tim and an esky full of beer. On...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on October 4, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

A birthday to remember on The Great Barrier Reef

What a fabulous way to have a birthday! We had to be down at the marina for 8:30 and were sailing at 09:00 with Reef Magic Cruises – a particularly apt name, out to Marine World pontoon, moored out on the outer reef which is apparently not as heavily visited as the inner (and therefore more...

permalink written by  rickandsuejohnson on August 14, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: From the Shire to Middle Earth and back

Visible from Space?

One of the lines they like to tell you when visiting the Great Barrier Reef is that it is the only living organism that can be seen from space. Actually, you hear this often about a lot of things. Turns out it isn’t quite true—lots of things can be seen from space...

permalink written by  GoBlue on August 9, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: Carl's Circuit

Scuba diving IS fun!

Carl and I spent the day on the Great Barrier Reef doing some introductory scuba dives - GREAT fun! Much better than I expected, actually. We took a shuttle early this morning about an hour north to Port Douglas, and then caught a sizable boat out to the "outer reef", which is supposed to be one...

permalink written by  GoBlue on August 6, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: Joc's Journeys

The Great Barrier Reef

We spent a lovely three days in Cairns, we camped at a camping ground walking distance to the city. We walked all over the town and also rode our bikes, it is really a bike friendly city with plenty of bike paths. We went on a cruise to the a reef on the coast, part of the Great Barrier Reef...

permalink written by  michelle62 on June 14, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: Travelling around Australia

Warm weather and Diving

April 28 Up early as I had to go to a First aid course in order to be able to do the Rescue Diver course (starting tomorrow). I had a great morning learning CPR (again as only did it at work before I left!) and how to bandage arms and stuff. I then met James just after 2, who had been in the...

permalink written by  James & Tracey on April 27, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: James & Tracey World Tour

Great Barrier Reef

Behold the largest barrier reef in the whole world. The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most beautiful places to visit in yur lifetime. It is situated at the tip of Queensland. I have only gone here once, and I have been truly impressed with it. The Great Barrier Reef is an ideal place to...

permalink written by  On Foot on March 5, 2007 from Cairns, Australia
from the travel blog: On Foot

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